Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Resetting Transformations, Freezing Transformations, and Matching Transformations in Autodesk Maya

 When working in maya you may use several transformation tools to help with your workflow.  The three translation tools I want to talk about are the resetting transformations, freezing transformations and matching transformations.  These three tools are very powerful and help you work in maya in many different ways.  I used these tools in my school days a lot and still do on the daily.  

Resetting Transformations is a tool that put your manipulator tool back at the origin in maya.  So back on the center of the grid.  

How to reset transformations:

  1. Select an object you want to reset the transformations on
  2. Go up to Modify 
  3. Select Reset Transformations
Autodesk Maya 2022 Reset Transformations Tool

Freezing Transformations tells maya that the point where the object is, is the origin.  So if you move the object you can zero out the transformation, scale, and rotation and it will go back to where you froze.

How to freeze transformations:

  1. Select an object you want to freeze transformations on
  2. Go up to Modify
  3. Select Freeze Transforms. 
Autodesk Maya 2022 Freeze Transformations Tool

Matching Transforms is a tool that I learned recently from a friend of mine at work.  Matching transforms copies the translations from one object to another.

How to match transformations:
  1. Select the object you want to transform and then the target you want your object to match.
  2. Go up to Modify and scroll down to Match Transforms.
  3. On the side pop-up you can select a variety of ways you can have your object copy the transforms
    1. Match all Transforms
    2. Match Translations
    3. Match Rotation
    4. Match Scale
    5. Match Pivot

Autodesk Maya 2022 Match Transformation Tool.

Each of these tools are incredibly powerful and helpful when working in maya.  If you are a tech artist, you may recognize that each of these tools utilizes different matrix. 

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